Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A Kingdom Heart

It has been a blessing to have spent the last three weeks in fellowship with these Sisters. I wish I could write pages upon pages of how amazing these women are, about their different personalities, about how each one has influenced me in some way or another …  But I don’t know how to. I don’t have the right words. Nothing that I say would do them justice.

I had come here thinking and hoping that I could be blessing to the Sisters … I see now that God didn’t bring me to be a blessing but brought me to be blessed. I am learning so much! Before I came, Uncle Steve (from Guinea) encouraged me to watch and learn as much I could from the Sisters and their lifestyle. And I have tried to do just that. I have been intentional in my watching and listening. When watching, I see what a Kingdom heart is supposed to look like.

I see love. Love for God. Love for the Sisters. Love for the young women. Love for the children. Love for visitors. Love for strangers. Love for nature.

I see joy. Joy that never leaves despite the circumstance! These past few weeks have been very stressful for the Sisters, yet they are still smiling and laughing. One of the Sisters, Sr. Patricia, has been sick for many, many months but I haven’t seen her stop smiling since I arrived.

I see peace. I don’t think that I have seen any of them get in a debate or an argument since I have been here. There is only forgiveness and understanding here. No holding grudges or judgment. 

I see humility. Life is about serving God, giving Him all the glory and honor, and loving others with the same love that He shows us. The Sisters start their day with prayers and praise and then end their day with prayers and praise.  

No wonder their love and joy is beyond measure! They walk every moment of the day with Him.

But I think that the lesson that I admire more than anything is that the Sisters live in the moment, not in the past or future, but in the present. They live one moment at a time, one day at a time. No matter what obstacle comes their way, it doesn’t trip them up. They give God control and trust Him to take care of everything … I find myself either living in the future (future job, future dreams, future husband, & future children) or living in the past (mistakes & regrets). But being here has shown me that living in the past or future does nothing for His Kingdom right now.

So my challenge to myself is to: 
1. Stop worrying about what was or what will be. 
2. Trust Him. 
3. Focus on the joy of living in the right now. 
4. Share that with others.

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Be expecting one (maybe two) more blogs before the end of our trip. Thanks for all the love and support! 

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