Friday, June 13, 2014

Reflections in Atiak

Yesterday morning when we arrived at breakfast, Sister Rosemary invited us to travel to Atiak with her. Atiak is the location of the second St. Monicas campus. The drive there was pleasant and relaxing. God has totally been looking out for Mishana and I. Each and every day that we are supposed to travel, He sends rain to make the trips cooler. We are very, very thankful for His many blessings!

After arriving in Atiak, we were just in time for the midmorning dancing! IT WAS AWESOME! I wish that I was semi talented in that area … I will upload pictures of the dancing on Facebook later, so be sure to check them out! The cutest part of the whole dancing episode was when Sister Rosemary joined in with the girls. Her love for people and her love for life are CONTAGIOUS! It brings a smile to my face just to think back on her dancing out there. Oh, and she got Mishana to dance with her. It was pretty neat but that white girl ain’t got no rhythm! But I was so proud of her for putting herself out there!

On the way back from Atiak, Mishana and I were attempting to make pop tab bracelets in the car … Not our best idea! We got very, very car sick. And it ended up lasting for the rest of the day even after we got back on solid ground. Let’s just say that we won’t be trying to make bracelets in the car EVER AGAIN!
While here at St. Monicas, we are helping in the daycare during the morning classes. Mishana is the “Top Class” which is the oldest students (probably 5-6 years old) and I am in the “Middle Class” with (3-4 year olds). People, there is a reason that I am a Secondary Mathematics Major … but I am still learning a lot about classroom management and interacting with students.

Today as I was sharpening my 50th pencil, I was reminded of the book I am reading “One Thousand Gifts” by Ann Voskamp. I am only on chapter two but I was reminded of a section that discussed how we are blinded and distracted from the everyday gifts from God because we are stuck in our routines. Ann encourages the reader through her own experiences to sit back, be aware, open our eyes to His gifts, and THANK HIM FOR THOSE! So as I was sitting there sharpening my pencil, I did just that. I thanked Him for the opportunity to get to sit in a classroom with 45+ children who were writing down their numbers and letters. Thanked Him for the laughter, joy, and giggles coming from those sweet little kids. Thanked Him for all the snotty, muddy hugs that I have received. Yes, I am overwhelmed and exhausted by the end of the day from all the jumping, pulling, grabbing, running, and yelling … BUT I really do love these kids and am so very grateful for this experience.

It has been really neat to watch Mishana interact with the young ladies and children here. I am pretty proud of her willingness to get up early in the morning and cook breakfast with Rachel and Asunta every morning. I can’t wait to see how Mishana will use these mornings to spread His love.

Speaking of Mishana, I have asked her to share on the blog some of her thoughts and reflections on what God is doing in her heart. She says, “The moment that I stepped off the plane and felt that hot Ugandan air was the moment that fear stepped in. And I have found that every day all I can do is trust Him and let Him guide me one day at a time. I am amazed at how different the pace of life is over here. There is no planning, no agenda, no schedule … it has been an adjustment! But my daily devotional has been discussing the importance of drawing near to Him and resting in His love each and every day. It is a challenge to let go of control and lean on His love, but I go to bed every night with a smile on my face and thankful that He is holding me in the palm of His hand.”

We are doing well! Thanks for all the prayers! 
Here are our current requests:
-          A volunteer team just arrived today, please pray that they will be the hands and feet of Christ while here for the next 2 weeks.
-          Physical and emotional health of the Sisters on campus. I am amazed at their dedication to their work!
-       That Mishana and I will continue to be open to His directions! 

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