Monday, June 9, 2014

The Wonders of Raide

The hut that we are staying in has two bedrooms, one bathroom, and a small living room area. It really is nice! We are very blessed to have this much room for a month. The neatest thing about this hut though is the fact that it is made from plastic bottle bricks. The Sisters, ladies, and children that live on campus collect all the plastic bottles, fill them with dirt, and then create a mortar to make bricks. Not only is this incredibly resourceful! It also makes these huts much cooler in temperature. Very, very clever!

Unfortunately, our hut is not lizard proof. And if you know me, you know that I am terrified of lizards! But praise the Lord for Raide, it has become my best friend (thank you mom for telling me to get some!). Although the can says for spiders and scorpions … it also works on lizards when applied in large amounts!
Of course, Mishana has had to be my lizard eliminator because I keep tweaking out. Yes, I know that it is just a lizard, but when you are scared of something … you are scared of it! After an eventful few hours throughout the day trying to kill this thing, we finally succeeded! And let’s just say that poison may be a slow and painful way to die … Mishana felt bad for the lizard while I was singing and dancing and ever so thankful that it was beginning to die. Yes, I am heartless when it comes to lizards and I have no guilt or shame in that! I believe I started singing a song from Wicked, the Broadway show, “HE’S DEAD. THE SCARIEST LIZARD THERE EVER WAS … IS DEAD.”

Even though Mishana was sad that the lizard died a painful death, we are both glad that we can now enter our bathroom again. It would have been a long month because neither of us were willing to enter the room with the lizard.

Yes, I know that all of you are laughing … especially when you see the pictures because he is about 2 inches long. But this was a very serious matter! And we would appreciate your prayers that the lizards would no longer enter our hut. 

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